i do not review often...
...but when I do, I feel its well put.
I looked through the comments you racked, and you got a good mix.
Yes, you played with my imagination with your series and you had me thinking and reading some text from myself, but I feel that all this is all just observations.
Observations that you cleverly bounded together through there commonality, which cannot be stated as a fact at all.
Yes, I do believe that this whole world is far more interconnected then we think; with ourselves as man and with our world with the universe.
So really what you are doing for me is widening the boundaries of my imagination.
No, I don't take all what you say as fact since there little scientific evidence to really convince me.
I'm studying Mechatronics Engineering in college right now and the flower of life thing is caught my attention the most.
but what I say to the others reviewing the SS series, is to take it more light hearted and not close off yourself. At least think and do your own investigations and see for yourself. Then go and believe want you want. I don't think his goal is to jam this down our throat say that is fact... ¬_¬
and don't just accept what he says look into these things yourself... because that is just foolish...
In closing:
What do you know about the all seeing eye and its relation to illuminati and free masonry. I'd like to hear what you think on that subject, Jordan.